• Reviews Extractor on all markets

    Updated version

  • Automated keyword analysis on all markets

    Updated version

  • Support all markets on Amazon & Audible: .IT .FR .ES .DE .COM .CO.UK .COM.AU .CA

    Updated version

  • Personalize colors in the table on all markets

    Updated version


To download Audiosuite go to the following link.


If you experience problems with the operation of audioSuite, follow these steps:
  1 – Make sure you have the latest version installed.
  2 – If you see “No rank” for each book on each keyword, make sure you have given permissions to all sites by right-clicking on the extension icon and choosing “Manage Extension”. From here check all the sites you see.
  3 – If the extension does not work, nothing appears under each book and you do not even see the writing “No rank”, most likely you do not have the latest version as chrome has not automatically updated you. You can solve it by going to the extension page (link above) and clicking on “Update”.
4 – Often the VPN can create conflicts. If you’re having trouble working, try turning off VPN
If AFTER TRYING THESE STEPS you should not have solved, fill in the following support form.

Get In touch

Or contact We answer in max 24h/48h.


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*This Website is not a part of Facebook or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK Inc.

Audiosuite© 2022 | Skelky - P.iva: 12054620013 | Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Termini e condizioni | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Disclaimer

*This Website is not a part of Facebook or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK Inc.


We confirm that Audiosuite works regularly. After Amazon made some changes that impacted the functioning of Audiosuite we promptly fixed and updated the extension.
Unfortunately Google has problems with the propagation of extension updates and often if you don’t manually empty the temporary files left on your browser the extension doesn’t update correctly but actually it works fine.
If it still remains in “Loading…” you only have a cache problem on your browser, so please follow the guide below and as a last thing delete Chrome’s temporary files including Cookie and Cache and restart it and you should solve it. If it still doesn’t resolve press on the Clear Cache extension icon several times.

If once this is done the problem persists write to us via the form on this page or on Whatsapp at +39 375 630 8931 so we check remotely on your PC.

Thanks for your attention.

Audiosuite Staff

TUTORIAL (Italian Language - Just follow the steps if you don't understand)